latest news: the addicted247 shirts are reprinted – just ask us till we put the rest in store in feb. 2025!

247 is neither an artist nor agency, no music, video or clothing brand – as you could think. it’s just a golden thread.
and also a way of life: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to be… real, to do things with love… continuously – simply no half steppin’!

our lil’ collective is mainly working under this name out of the heart of germany’s ruhrarea since early 1999.

officially, we put ourselves on the map at the 24th of July 2000. we did a lot of “graphic terrorism” and all kinds of urban art shizzle. the “addicted” (train graffiti) videos are probably our most noted media. but if you have an ear to & an eye on the streets… those who know – know!

we’re the good bad guys.