ha, it’s a just bit crazy what we actually hear/reading: the first 10.000 flyers without any concrete infos, only with some logos, start a lot chit-chat in last months. fact is that we really involved in that “Ruhr2010 – European Capital of Culture” thing. so we’re responsible mostly for an exhibition-project in an official UNESCO „world cultural heritage“. heeeeere we are:
Fr. 7th May 2010: 18Uhr Vernissage on “Zeche Zollverein” in Essen
Sa. 8th May 2010: 23Uhr Opening Party at “Hotel Shanghai” Essen
Flyer you find here!
We’re very proud to present:
ABOVE | www.goabove.com
ADD ENTRY | no website
Alexander “BISERAMA” Becherer | www.biserama.blogspot.com
Anna “OVNI” Taratiel | www.taratiel.com
BASE23 | www.dcidenow.blogspot.com
BUFF DISS | www.flickr.com/photos/buffdiss
Clemens Behr | www.clemensbehr.com
D*FACE | www.dface.co.uk
David Radon | www.purpular.com/de/portfolios/david-radon-
EAST ERIC | www.easteric.net
Ekosystem.org feat. Aberto de Pedro & Vitostreet | www.ekosystem.org
FYE / EPSC Crew | no website
Graffiti Magazine | www.graffiti-magazine.net
JUST | just.ekosystem.org
Martha Cooper | www.kodakgirl.com | www.bgirlz.com
Matthias Gephart / Disturbanity | www.disturbanity.com
Niels “SHOE” Meulman | www.calligraffiti.nl | www.nielsshoemeulman.com
Robert Matzke | www.liquidluck.de
Sebastin “BRES” Wegerhoff | www.sebastian-wegerhoff.de
Stickerdude & friends | www.myspace.com/derStickerdude
Till “SIGN” Heim / Via Grafik | www.sign-portfolio.de
VAN LAAK | www.van-laak.blogspot.com
44FLAVOURS | www.44flavours.com